DR1 Key Project Lead(s)
DR1-KP-JC-1: Cosmology from combined photometric and spectroscopic probes Carmelita Carbone, Isaac Tutusaus, Martin Crocce
DR1-KP-JC-2: Euclid cosmological constraints from combined photometric probes Alessio Spurio Mancini, Nicolas Tessore, Stefano Camera
DR1-KP-JC-3: Halo mass profiles from combined strong and weak lensing Carlo Giocoli, Mauro Sereno, Raphael Gavazzi
DR1-KP-CL-1: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clusters Lauro Moscardini, Matteo Costanzi
DR1-KP-CL-2: Accurate cluster shear extraction and modelling for Euclid Lorenzo Ingoglia, Lucie Baumont, Sebastian Grandis
DR1-KP-CL-3: Cluster masses and scaling relations in an astrophysical context Alexandro Saro, Florian Pacaud
DR1-KP-CL-4: The DR1 cluster catalogue and its galaxies Anthony Gonzalez, Sophie Maurogordato
DR1-KP-CL-5: Intracluster Light Nina Hatch
DR1-KP-CL-6: Discovery of Galaxy Protoclusters Gianluca Castignani, Helmut Dannerbauer
DR1-KP-CL-7: Weak Lensing Detection of Galaxy Clusters Jose M. Diego, Sandrine Pires
DR1-KP-CMBX-2: CMB lensing cross-correlation with Euclid observables Karim Benabed
DR1-KP-CMBX-3: Cosmology with combination of Euclid photometric probes and CMB lensing Karim Benabed, Louis Legrand, Margherita Lembo
DR1-KP-CMBX-4: Hot gas in the cosmic web via TSZ cross-correlation with GC, WL and clusters Laura Salvati
DR1-KP-CMBX-5: Peculiar velocities from CMB-Euclid cross-correlation Carlos Hernandez-Monteagudo
DR1-KP-CS-1: Cosmological simulations for Euclid science Pablo Fosalba
DR1-KP-DR-CA: Calibrations Mischa Schirmer
DR1-KP-DR-NIR: NIR Processing and Data Products Gianluca Polenta
DR1-KP-DR-OVER: Data Release Overview Herve Aussel
DR1-KP-DR-PHZ-1: Photometric redshifts Stephane Paltani
DR1-KP-DR-SIR: SIR Processing and Data Products Yannick Copin
DR1-KP-DR-SPE: SPE Processing and Data Products Vincent Le Brun
DR1-KP-DR-SURV:Euclid Surveys Ismael Tereno
DR1-KP-DR-VIS: VIS Processing and Data Products Henry Joy McCracken
DR1-KP-DR-VMPZ: Photometric sample selection and catalogues Juan Macias-Perez
DR1-KP-GC-1: DR1 combined cosmological parameters from galaxy clustering only Ariel Sanchez, Emiliano Sefusatti
DR1-KP-GC-2: Euclid galaxy clustering validation tests and systematic error Ilaria Risso, Pierlugi Monaco
DR1-KP-GC-3: Galaxy clustering catalogues using the DR1 data Benjamin Granett, Katarina (Dida) Markovic
DR1-KP-GC-4: Cosmology from BAO in 2pt galaxy clustering in the DR1 data Elena Sarpa, Seshadri Nadathur
DR1-KP-GC-5: Cosmology from full-fit 2pt clustering in the DR1 data Alexander Eggemeier, Alkistis Pourtsidou
DR1-KP-GC-6: Cosmology with Higher-Order Statistics Alfonso Veropalumbo
DR1-KP-GC-7: Cosmology with cosmic voids Alice Pisani
DR1-KP-LU-1: Euclid’s low surface brightness view of the nearby universe from DR1 Francine Marleau, Leslie Hunt
DR1-KP-LU-2: Stellar populations in nearby galaxies from DR1 Crescenzo Tortora, Karina Voggel
DR1-KP-LU-3: The Fornax Cluster: New insights from Euclid Enrichetta Iodice, Pierre-Alain Duc
DR1-KP-LU-4: Surface Brightness Fluctuation distances with Euclid Simona Mei
DR1-KP-MW-1: Milky Way Globular Clusters Emanuele Dalessandro, Soren Larsen
DR1-KP-MW-2: Local Volume Resolved Stellar Peripheries Annette Ferguson, Eduardo Balbinot
DR1-KP-SL-1: First catalogue of galaxy scale strong lenses in Q1/D Giulia Despali, Stefan Schuldt, Thomas Collett
DR1-KP-SL-4: Validating the strong lensing cluster analysis with Q1/DR1 data Ana Acebron, Massimo Meneghetti, Pietro Bergamini
DR1-KP-SNT-1: Euclid transient search in the Self-Cal field Isobel Hook, Vincenzo Petrecca
DR1-KP-TH-1: Euclid constraints on extended cosmological models Guadalupe Cañas Herrera, Marco Baldi, Pedro Carrilho
DR1-KP-TH-2: Tests of homogeneity and isotropy Domenico Sapone, Matteo Martinelli
DR1-KP-WL-1: Cosmology with 2pt Shear Statistics Christopher Duncan, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Laila Linke
DR1-KP-WL-2: Internal consistency checks for DR1 cosmology with WL 2pt statistics Benjamin Giblin, Shun-Sheng Li
DR1-KP-WL-3: Intrinsic galaxy alignments in Euclid DR1 Benjamin Joachimi, Romain Paviot
DR1-KP-WL-4: Luminosity/Stellar Mass – Halo Mass relation from galaxy-galaxy lensing Eric Jullo
DR1-KP-WL-5: The distribution of dark matter around galaxies from galaxy-galaxy lensing Mike Hudson
DR1-KP-WL-6: The dependence of DM halos on the environment from WL Divya Rana, Pierre Burger
DR1-KP-WL-7: Cosmology with higher-order weak-lensing statistics using mass mapping Cora Uhlemann, Natalia Porqueres, Nicolas Martinet
DR1-KP-WL-8: Cosmology with 3pt Shear Statistics Elina Keihanen, Lucas Porth
DR1-KP-WL-LE3-1: Performance verification of the photometric products from the Euclid SGS Niall Jeffrey, Samuel Farrens
SP-H2RG-PNC: Pixel-to-pixel readout noise correlation in HAWAII-2RG detectors Michael Seiffert
SP-MATCH-WIDE: Optimising Photometric Redshift Calibration in Euclid with an Effective Transfer Function Yuzheng Kang
SP-RG-QSOS-BD: The power of NISP slitless grism spectroscopy on discovering quasars and brown dwarfs Eduardo Banados
SP-Rubin-Euclid-DDP-sims: Euclid-like simulated images for exploration of Rubin-Euclid Derived Data Products Francisco Javier Castander
SP-SL-CNN-ERO: Searches for Strong Gravitational Lenses using CNNs in ERO data of the Perseus Field Ruby Pearce-Casey
SP-TH-alpha: Improved constraints on dark energy coupled to electromagnetism Carlos Martins
SP-WFE-DM: Characterization of the WFE of dichroic mirror Benoit Sassolas


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