First Early Release Observation science and reference paper release

Euclid survey operations have only started in February, and tuning the science data pipeline will take several more months. The first results from Euclid’s wide and deep main surveys will take until fall, first cosmology papers at least until late 2025.

However, before Euclid’s surveys started, the special ‘Early Release Observation’ (ERO) programme was initiated by ESA. A call was made to propose astronomical targets and connected science cases to showcase the capabilities of Euclid and its two instruments, VIS and NISP. A selection was done, 17 targets were observed in November and December 2023, and today, May 23rd, 2024, ESA and the Euclid Consortium has published the first ERO science results!

The ten Euclid ERO images. See ESA’s press release for details. Credits: ESA/Euclid/Euclid Consortium/NASA, image processing by J.-C. Cuillandre (CEA Paris-Saclay), G. Anselmi

Ten ERO science papers, five additional Euclid reference papers are made public, 513 pages in total. In addition, five more ERO images as well as science data are released by ESA at the same time for the world to use.

Bringing the data into shape outside of the Euclid data pipeline was no small feat, and neither were the scientific studies that analysed the data – with results ranging from free-floating planets to candidates for galaxies in the earliest Universe. More than 1100 authors across the Euclid Consortium, ESA, and industry partners signed the reference papers – celebrating the enormous effort that was sucessfully invested into Euclid over more than a decade. The reference papers will provide background information for use throughout the mission. The ERO science papers are only the beginning of the Euclid era of astronomy and cosmology.

There are explanatory press releases for this event both by ESA as well as by the Euclid Consortium. The ESA press release focusses on the ERO science and access to the new ERO images, while the EC press release also provides more background information on the EC.

Euclid reference papers (link to arXiv):

Euclid Early Release Observation science papers (link to arXiv):

Accompanying videos:

In addition the Euclid Consortium has created a number of short videos about the publications, just as a short into each paper. Here is the first one, the others will be released over the next hours and days on the Euclid Consortium’s Youtube channel.

Unveiling the Universe’s Fine Details with Euclid Early Release Observations, Euclid Consortium
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